GoodWheat takes better-for-you pasta from so-so to delicioso


Zero blah, 100% brava.

Fibering up all your family meals.

90% of us don’t eat enough fiber. Is anyone shocked? No. Do we want to withhold chocolate chip pancakes from our kids? Also no. Instead of blaming or shaming the American diet, GoodWheat grew nutritionally-superior wheat from the ground up.

— What We Did

  • Consumer Research
  • Brand Strategy
  • Brand Voice Identity
  • Strategic Messaging
  • Copy Toolkit
  • Visual Identity Design
  • Illustration
  • Packaging
  • Website
  • Brand Style Guide
GoodWheat rotini packaging
GoodWheat elbows packaging
A pasta trade up with no trade off.
The fiber you need in the pasta you crave.
GoodWheat illustration
GoodWheat illustration
GoodWheat illustration
GoodWheat illustration
GoodWheat pasta
GoodWheat noodle animation
A clean pasta for your clean-plate club.
Holy macaroni! GoodWheat pasta has 4x the fiber. When compared to regular wheat pasta.
Genuine wheat without any junk.
GoodWheat pasta
GoodWheat packaging
GoodWheat pasta
GoodWheat pasta
GoodWheat mac & cheese
Cheddar finally found a worthy noodle.
GoodWheat mobile website
GoodWheat mobile website
GoodWheat mobile website
GoodWheat mobile website

After a successful rollout for GoodWheat Pasta, we extended the brand and packaging system to launch three new product lines: GoodWheat Quikcakes (an instant hit and Best New Healthy Grocery Product), Pancake & Waffle Mix, and Mac & Cheese.

Fiber just got all warm and fluffy.
GoodWheat pancake & waffle mix packaging
GoodWheat pancake & waffle mix packaging
GoodWheat pancake & waffle mix packaging
GoodWheat Quikcake packaging
GoodWheat Quikcake packaging
GoodWheat Quikcake packaging
GoodWheat pancakes
GoodWheat illustration
GoodWheat illustration
Craveable, microwaveable pancakes -- at the speed of cereal.

See the site

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